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Getting past your fears about going to the dentist
Joans Story
Anxiety and depression in children: Get the facts
Choosing a mental health counselor
Using positive thinking to help back pain
Cancer and African American People
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy
Guided visualization: Dealing with stress
Mindfulness: Box Breathing
Mindfulness: Gratitude
Mindfulness: Be Who You Are
Walking Meditation
Mindfulness: STOP
Mindfulness: This is enough
Mindfulness: Awareness of breath
Mindfulness: Faith
Mindfulness: Mental noting
Mindfulness: STOP
Mindfulness: this is enough
Mindfulness: awareness of breath
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy
Warm bath strategy
Planning bedtime
Using light to promote a better morning wake-up time
Exercise (for better sleep)
Reduce stress in 10 minutes and improve your well-being
Stress Management: Using Yoga to Relax
Physical activity boosts brain health
Worry and Anxiety
Anxiety in Children
Generalized anxiety disorder in children: Overview
10 Reasons to Get Moving Today!
Use heat or ice to relieve low back pain
Chronic pain: Tracking how you’re doing
Vital Signs – Defeating Breast Cancer
How can I reduce my risk of breast cancer?
What does it mean to have dense breasts?
Coping with your emotions when you have cancer
How is breast cancer treated?
Prescription Medications to Treat Overweight & Obesity
Obesity: Should I Take Weight-Loss Medicine?
Creating a medication list
How well do prescription weight-loss medicines work?
What are some examples of prescription weight loss medicine?
Why are weight-loss medicines used?
Anxiety: Paying attention to how you’re doing
Finding balance after the election
How do you make a plan to lose weight?
When you want to lose weight: Overview
Target heart rate
Add steps to your walking program
How can you make walking for exercise a part of your life?
Getting started with flexibility and stretching
Staying active when you’re tired
Being active: Getting started
Shellie’s story: Finding time for physical activity
Fitness: What will move you?
Fitting in more activity at home
Being active as a family
What are some ideas for physical activity?
Pain Diary
Low Back Pain: Keeping It From Coming Back
CPR Quick Reference
Hypertension (high blood pressure): Fast Facts
Heart-Healthy Lifestyle
Using a hunger scale
Chronic pain: tracking how you’re doing
How to do the press-up exercise
How can you get back to normal after low back pain?
Get Chores Done Without Making Your Pain Worse
Back pain: getting in and out of bed
Low Back Pain: Exercises to Reduce Pain
Low back pain: keep moving
Chronic low back pain: is it time to try something new?
Back pain: self-massage with a tennis ball
Back pain: 5 ways to take care of yourself
Cathy’s story: Dealing with low back pain and stress
Spinal Manipulation
Office ergonomics
What puts you at risk for low back pain?
Good posture for a healthy back
Degenerative disc disease
Cognitive behavioral therapy for pain management
Imaging tests for low back pain
Low Back Pain
High Blood Pressure: Make the Most of Home Monitoring
Heart Health: Where will you be in 5 years?
Walking for a Healthy Heart: Getting started
Using the DASH diet to lower your blood pressure
Healthy Eating: Making Meals With Less Sodium
Statins: should you take them to lower your risk?
Taking your blood pressure at home
4 Heart-Healthy Changes to Lower Blood Pressure
Heart Health: Finding Support for Healthy Changes
What is a sample menu for the DASH diet?
The effects of high blood pressure
How can a woman reduce her risk for heart attack and stroke?
Why is it important to take your medicine as prescribed?
Who should be screened for high blood pressure and how often?
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